
Firebird Tour in Moscow, June 4, 2014

Firebird Tour "All About Transactions": photos from the event in Moscow, Russia.

There were 40 attendees:

Fiebird Tour

Starting session (at the picture: Alexey Kovyazin, Dmitiy Kuzmenko, Vlad Khorsun):

Firebird Tour All About Transactions in Moscow Alexey Kovyazin, Dmitiy Kuzmenko, Vlad Khorsun

Round table discussion (at the picture: Alexey Kovyazin, Alex Peshkoff, Vlad Khorsun, Alexander Shaposhnikov):

Firebird Tour people attendees

Vlad Khorsun is presenting: discovering the magic of Firebird transaction markers in details:

Firebird Tour transactins Vlad Khorsun

Vlad Khorsun and Alex Peshkoff:

Firebird Tour conference transactions Vlad Khorsun and Alex Peshkoff

Dmitry Kuzmenko:

Firebird Tour all about transactions speaker Dmitry Kuzmenko

Round table discussion:

Firebird Tour speakers transactions Moscow

Round table (Vlad Khorsun and Alexander Shaposhnikov):

Firebird Tour Vlad Khorsun and Alexander Shaposhniko