Alexey Kovyazin, 13-April-2014
When gfix.exe finishes it writes a summary of errors (if any) to the standard output (normally to the screen). Here is a short explanation of gfix output:
Then you could look into firebird.log to see details about problems identified by gfix. Probably you will see a lot of messages regarding orphan pages.
Orphan pages are just lost space. They are consequences of errors, but theyare not errors.
Orphan pages are fixed if and only if there was no other errors detected and -full was specified
Also, there could be information about orphan record versions - they are different from orphan pages. The orphan record versions are not fixed in any case, they just stay in database.
If you have run gfix, such hardly corrupted records could be fixed by marking as "damaged" but only if -mend was specified. Such records stay in database, but they are skipped by the engine.
So, gfix output gives you an approximate estimation of problems found in your corrupted Firebird or InterBase database. The good thing about this summary that if gfix is able to print it, it means that database is consistent enough.
If gfix was not able to recover your corrupted database, try IBSurgeon FirstAID.