
Detailed New Features of Firebird 5, Part 4: Parallel Features: backup/restore/sweep, creation of indices

D.Simonov version 1.0 от 01.02.2024

1. Parallel execution of maintenance tasks

Since version 5.0 Firebird can perform main maintenance tasks using multiple threads in parallel. Some of these tasks uses parallelism at the Firebird kernel level, others are implemented directly in the Firebird tool. Currently, only the parallel execution of sweep and index creation tasks is implemented at the kernel level. Parallel execution is supported for both automatic and manual sweeps.

In future versions it is planned to add parallelism when executing SQL queries.

1.1. Parallel execution of tasks in the Firebird kernel

To handle a task with multiple threads, the Firebird engine launches additional worker threads and creates internal worker connections. By default, parallel execution is disabled. There are two ways to enable parallel features for the connection:

  • Set the number of parallel workers in DPB using the isc_dpb_parallel_workers tag;

  • Set the default number of parallel worker processes using the ParallelWorkers parameter in firebird.conf.

Some utilities (gfix, gbak) supplied with Firebird have a command line option -parallel to set the number of parallel worker processes. Often this switch will simply pass the number of workers through the isc_dpb_parallel_workers tag when connecting to the database. The new ParallelWorkers parameter in firebird.conf sets the default number of parallel worker processes that can be used by any user connection running a parallelizable task. The default value is 1 and means no additional parallel worker processes are used. The value in DPB takes precedence over the value in firebird.conf.

To control the number of additional workers the engine can create, there are two new settings in firebird.conf:


Sets the default number of parallel worker processes used by user connections. Can be overridden for a connection by using the isc_dpb_parallel_workers tag in the DPB.


Limits the maximum number of concurrent worker processes for a given database and Firebird process.

Internal workers are created and managed by the Firebird engine itself. The engine maintains worker connection pools for each database. The number of threads in each pool is limited by the value of the MaxParallelWorkers parameter. Pools are created independently by each Firebird process. In the SuperServer architecture, worker connections are implemented as lightweight system connections, while in Classic and SuperClassic they look like regular user connections. All workers connections are built into the server creation process. Thus, in Сlassic architectures there are no additional server processes. Worker connections are present in the monitoring tables. Dead working connections are destroyed after 60 seconds of inactivity. Additionally, in classic architectures, worker connections are destroyed immediately after the last user connection is disconnected from the database.

1.1.1. Practical recommendations for parameters

What are practical recommendations? Since this feature came from HQbrid (vv2.5-4) where it was used during several years on hundreds of servers, we can use its experience for Firebird 5.0. For SuperServer it is recommended to set parameter MaxParallelWorkers to 64, and ParallelWorkers to 2. For maintenance tasks (backup/restore/sweep) it is better to set individually with switch -parallel, with the value equal to the half of the number of physical cores of your processor (or all processors).

For Classic architecture, MaxParallelWorkers should be set to a number smaller than the number of physical cores of your processor it is important since the MaxParallelWorkers limit is set on each process.


It all depends on whether it is done under load or not. If I restore the database, then at that moment no one else is working with it. I can ask for the maximum. But if you are doing a backup/sweep/creating an index under load, then you need to moderate your appetites.

Let’s look at how parallelism affects the execution time of building or rebuilding an index. The effect of parallelism on automatic sweep will not be shown, since it starts automatically without our participation. Impact of concurrency on manual sweep will be demonstrated when examining how Firebird tools perform maintenance tasks.

1.1.2. Multi-threaded index creation or rebuild

Let’s compare the speed of creating an index for the WORD_DICTIONARY table for different ParallelWorkers values, containing 4079052 records.

For the purity of the experiment, before the new test, we restart the Firebird service. In addition, in order for the table to be in the page cache, we run the following query:


The query to create an index looks like this:


The execution statistics for this query with ParallelWorkers = 1 are as follows:

Current memory = 2577810256
Delta memory = 310720
Max memory = 3930465024
Elapsed time = 6.798 sec
Buffers = 153600
Reads = 11
Writes = 2273
Fetches = 4347093

Now let’s delete this index, set ParallelWorkers = 4 and MaxParallelWorkers = 4 in the config and restart the server. Statistics for running the same query look like this:

Current memory = 2580355968
Delta memory = 2856432
Max memory = 4157427072
Elapsed time = 3.175 sec
Buffers = 153600
Reads = 11
Writes = 2277
Fetches = 4142838

As you can see, the index creation time has decreased by a little over 2 times.

The same thing happens when rebuilding the index with the query:


1.2. Parallel execution of maintenance tasks by Firebird tools

Main utilities (gfix, gbak) supplied with Firebird also support parallel task execution. They use the number of parallel worker processes set in the ParallelWorkers parameter in firebird.conf. The number of parallel worker processes can be overridden using the -parallel command line switch.

It is recommended to always set the number of parallel processes explicitly using the -parallel or -par switch.

The following tasks can use parallel execution:

  • Creating a backup using the gbak utility

  • Restoring from a backup using the gbak utility

  • Manual sweep using the gfix utility

  • Updating icu using the gfix utility

1.2.1. Parallelism when performing backups using the gbak

Let’s see how parallel execution will affect backup’s speed of gbak tool.

We will use the fastest backup option - through the service manager and with garbage collection disabled. In order to be able to track the time of each operation during the backup, we will add the -stat td switch.

First, let’s run the backup without parallelism:

gbak -b -g -par 1 "c:\fbdata\db.fdb" "d:\fbdata\db.fbk" -se localhost/3055:service_mgr -user SYSDBA
  -pas masterkey -stat td -v -Y "d:\fbdata\5.0\backup.log"

The backup completed in 35.810 seconds.

Now let’s try to run a backup using 4 threads (on the computer which has 8 cores).

gbak -b -g -par 4 "c:\fbdata\db.fdb" "d:\fbdata\db.fbk" -se localhost/3055:service_mgr -user SYSDBA
  -pas masterkey -stat td -v -Y "d:\fbdata\5.0\backup-4.log"

The backup completed in 18.267 seconds!

As you can see, as the number of parallel processors increases, the backup speed increases, although not linearly.


In fact, the effect of parallel threads on backup speed depends on your hardware. The optimal number of parallel threads should be selected experimentally.

Any additional switches can also change the picture. For example, the -ZIP switch compresses the backup copy may reduce parallelism to almost nothing, or may still speed up copying. It depends on the speed of the disk drive, whether the copy is made to the same disk where the database is located and other factors. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct experiments on your hardware to find the ideal value.

1.2.2. Parallelism when performing restore using the gbak

Now let’s look at how parallelism affects the speed of restoring from a backup. Restoring from a backup consists of the following steps:

  • creating a database with the corresponding ODS;

  • restoring metadata from a backup copy;

  • inserting data to user tables;

  • build indices.

Parallelism will only be involved in the last two stages.

In order to be able to track the time of each operation during restoration from a backup, we will add the -stat td switch.

First, let’s start restoring from a backup without parallelism:

gbak -c -par 1 "d:\fbdata\db.fbk" "c:\fbdata\db.fdb" -se localhost/3055:service_mgr -user SYSDBA
  -pas masterkey -v -stat td -Y "d:\fbdata\restore.log"

Restore from backup completed in 201.590 seconds. Of these, 70.73 seconds were spent on restoring table data and 121.142 seconds on building indexes.

Now let’s try to start restoring from a backup using 4 threads.

gbak -c -par 4 "d:\fbdata\db.fbk" "c:\fbdata\db.fdb" -se localhost/3055:service_mgr -user SYSDBA
  -pas masterkey -v -stat td -Y "d:\fbdata\restore-4.log"

Restore from backup completed in 116.718 seconds. Of these, 26.748 seconds were spent on restoring table data and 86.075 seconds on building indexes.

With the help of 4 parallel workers, we were able to almost double the recovery speed. At the same time, the speed of data recovery has increased by almost 3 times, and the construction of indexes has accelerated by 1.5 times.

Why? The explanation is simple: parallelism is used only when engine builds large indexes. Many tables in the database taken as an example are small, the indexes on them are small too, and the number of such tables is large. Therefore, the numbers in your database may be different.


Note that the MaxParallelWorkers parameter limits the use of parallel threads to the Firebird kernel only. When restoring a database using the gbak utility, you can observe the following picture: data in tables is restored quickly (parallelism is noticeable), and building indexes is slower. The point is that indexes are always built by the Firebird kernel. And if MaxParallelWorkers has a value less than that specified in -parallel, then only MaxParallelWorkers of threads will be used to build indexes. However, gbak inserts data to the tables, using -parallel worker threads.

1.2.3. Parallel manual sweep using the gfix tool

Sweep (cleaning) is the important maintenance process: Firebird scans specified database, and if there are “garbage” records versions, remove them from data pages and from indices. By default, Firebird database is created with autosweep setting, but for the medium and large databases (30+Gb) with high number of transactions per second it could be necessary to disable automatic sweep use manual (usually, scheduled) sweep instead.


Before Firebird 3.0 sweep always scanned all data pages. However, starting with Firebird 3.0 (ODS 12.0), data pages (DP) and pointer pages to data pages (PP) have a special swept flag that is set to 1 if sweep has already scanned the data page and cleared garbage from it. When records in this table are modified for the first time, the flag is reset to 0 again. Starting with Firebird 3.0, automatic and manual sweep skips pages that have the swept flag set to 1. Therefore, a repeated sweep will go much faster, unless, of course, since the previous sweep you have not managed to change records on all pages of the database data. New data pages are always created with swept flag = 0. When restoring the database and backup, all DP and PP pages will be with swept flag = 0.

How to test correctly? An idle sweep after restoring from the database did not show any difference in single-threaded and multi-threaded mode. Therefore, I first ran a sweep on the restored database so that the next sweep would not check uncluttered pages, and then I made a request like this:

update bigtable set field=field;

The purpose of this request was to create 'garbage' in the database. Now you can run the sweep to test its execution speed.

First, let’s run sweep without parallelism:

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey -sweep -par 1 inet://localhost:3055/mydb
DESKTOP-E3INAFT	Sun Oct 22 16:24:21 2023
	Sweep is started by SYSDBA
	Database "mydb"
	OIT 694, OAT 695, OST 695, Next 696

DESKTOP-E3INAFT	Sun Oct 22 16:24:42 2023
	Sweep is finished
	Database "mydb"
	1 workers, time 20.642 sec
	OIT 696, OAT 695, OST 695, Next 697

Now we will update the large table and rollback again, and run a sweep with 4 parallel workers.

gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey -sweep -par 4 inet://localhost:3055/mydb
DESKTOP-E3INAFT	Sun Oct 22 16:26:56 2023
	Sweep is started by SYSDBA
	Database "mydb"
	OIT 697, OAT 698, OST 698, Next 699

DESKTOP-E3INAFT	Sun Oct 22 16:27:06 2023
	Sweep is finished
	Database "mydb"
	4 workers, time 9.406 sec
	OIT 699, OAT 702, OST 701, Next 703

As you can see, the speed of sweep execution has increased more than 2 times.

1.2.4. Parallel icu update using the gfix utility

The -icu switch allows you to rebuild the indexes in the database using the new ICU.

The ICU library is used by Firebird to support COLLATION for multibyte encodings like UTF8. On Windows, ICU is always bundled with Firebird. In Linux, ICU is usually a system library and depends on Linux version. When moving a database file from one Linux distribution to another, the ICU installed on the system may have a different version. This may result in a database on an OS running a different version of ICU being binary incompatible for indexes character data types.

Since rebuilding indexes can be done using parallelism, this is also supported for gfix -icu.

2. Summary

In this part we have considered parallel features of Firebird 5 tools. If you would like to know more how gbak implements the parallel reading of data, or even implement the similar mechanism in your own application, read the in-depth article "Parallel Data Reading in Firebird".

There are 2 more parts, stay tuned!