This document outlines 15 common anti-patterns when working with Firebird databases and provides solutions for each one.
1. Multiple parallel queries to MON$
Anti-pattern: A very popular mistake — trigger OnConnect, query to MON$ATTACHMENTS to select user’s details for audit purposes, or calculate number of connections for licensing purposes.
Why is it bad?
MON$ tables are virtual tables which are stored in fbNN_mon_xx system files, with performance statistics, etc
File >1Gb means you are using it too much
They are designed for system administrators usage only — i.e., 1-2 parallel queries, exclusively for administrators
200+ connections with parallel queries to MON$ will slow down Firebird very significantly, and 500+ simultaneous queries will "hang" Firebird with high chances
Don’t use MON$ for non-administrative tasks, i.e., to count or audit, avoid using them in OnConnect
For audit purposes:
Use Context Variables like CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, etc
Use Audit — native Firebird feature, much more powerful than triggers
For licensing purposes — use user’s context variables
2. Slow Dashboard Loading
Anti-pattern: Loading comprehensive dashboards or scoreboards that sum all orders and invoices for the last month or year during application startup, or updating some metrics every minute or more often.
SUM(total_sales) as yearly_sales,
COUNT(DISTINCT customers) as customer_count,
AVG(order_value) as avg_order_value
FROM orders
WHERE order_date BETWEEN '2025-01-01' AND '2025-01-01';
Why is it bad?
Users must wait several seconds to see company-wide statistics before they can start their actual work
From Firebird point of view — in order to constantly run many parallel queries, to retrieve massive amounts of data, sort/group them, Firebird will intensively use multiple CPU cores, reading from disk, cache, memory dedicated for sorting (and sometimes sorting goes to disk)
It is like building a report several times per minute!
Decrease the number of users who will see dashboards:
Usually Dashboard is required only for analysts and management, exclude it from general application load
Make loading of dashboard on startup/for some form optional, disabled by default
Load dashboard data by explicit button click, not at startup (i.e., make it as a report)
Calculate dashboard data with 1 process by schedule (i.e., robot) and store them into a simple table ready to be retrieved by simple query
Use triggers to aggregate data and store them ready for use
Use replica database to calculate dashboards data (and all heavy reports too)
3. Loading Unnecessary Records
Anti-pattern: Loading all data without filtering into the grid when opening an application or form, regardless of whether it contains hundreds of thousands of records.
procedure TDataForm.LoadAllRecords;
FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM large_table';
// Loads entire table into memory
DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet := FDQuery1;
Why is it bad?
Despite the grid only showing 50 records, users must scroll through thousands of records instead of using search functionality
In 99% of cases users need the very narrow subset of data: the most recent sales records, for example
From Firebird point of view:
Every opening requires reading, storing in cache, and transfers of thousands of records through network
If you keep dataset open (in Delphi), Firebird keeps buffers, sorted records in temp space (if ORDER BY, GROUP BY, etc) until the closing of dataset
Limit the number of records with FIRST/SKIP/ROWS
Limit the number of records with some criteria, for example, shows records created/changed during recent 3 days
In general, close queries as soon as possible.
4. Excessive Querying on Scroll
Anti-pattern: Executing queries on scroll events. For example, when displaying data in a grid or table, performing a separate query FOR EACH record, or if you are using classic example of master-detail scrolling in 2 grids without delay.
procedure TForm1.GridScrolled(Sender: TObject);
// query for each row
FDQuery2.SQL.Text :=
'SELECT additional_info FROM details ' +
'WHERE id = ' + IntToStr(CurrentRowId);
Why is it bad?
Performing a separate query FOR EACH record in dynamic grid forces Firebird to process thousands of tiny queries, unnecessarily consuming CPU resources
From Firebird point of view:
Many (thousands per second) small queries will create significant CPU load, because even if query shows 0ms in statistics, it requires to be prepared, executed, result to be transferred, etc
Load multiple rows at once using batch operations
Enhance the main query for grid to execute detailed query as part of it
Add explicit button to load details for visible part of grid
Add delay to execute the query to receive details, to prevent immediate queries during the scrolling
Don’t enable on-scroll loading of details for all users by default
5. Unnecessary Automatic Refreshes
Anti-pattern: Refreshing grid data automatically at minimal intervals in every client application, with this feature enabled by default.
Why is it bad?
This results in hundreds of client connections running almost identical queries to retrieve the same records
Where it happens: automatic refreshes for schedules, or select for queue positions, or search for "nearest slot", etc
From Firebird point of view:
Combination of loading dashboards and on-scroll events: many mid-size queries create load on the system
Increase interval!
Implement explicit (user-triggered) refreshes
Use selective refreshes of data set based on actual data changes (streaming or triggers or event+streaming)
6. Frequent Record Updates
Anti-pattern: Frequently updating the same record in different transactions, creating numerous record versions.
Why is it bad?
A record with dozens of versions can significantly degrade performance, a record with thousands can become a blocker
From Firebird point of view: record versions chain should be reconstructed to identify the proper version of the specific transaction, it requires numerous read operations, as a result, garbage collection becomes significantly slower.
Migrate to Firebird 4+, there is intermediate garbage collection
Don’t keep long running writeable transactions, do the proper garbage collection
For Firebird <4, consider using DELETE+INSERT instead of UPDATE
7. Using write transactions for read-only selects
Anti-pattern: Using write transactions for read-only selects leads to excessive operations.
Why is it bad?
Using write transactions for read-only selects leads to many unnecessary writes of header pages
Using write transactions for read-only operations is inefficient (large TIP during commit creates additional load on server)
Use separate read-only transaction for operations which do not change data
Firebird is one of a few databases which allow to open several transactions in the frames of single connection
Global Temporary tables are available for use in read-only transactions
8. Use LIKE :param
The following query with parameter will not use index for the fieldName (even if index exists):
SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE fieldName LIKE :param1
Why is it bad?
Since LIKE allows wildcard search (%), which can replace any number of symbols, Firebird cannot determine, will the parameter value be suitable for index search in advance.
Usually developers try to workaround it with embedding parameter value in the query text:
fieldName LIKE «Alex%» - possible to use index
fieldName LIKE «%Alex» - not possible to use standard index
fieldName LIKE «%Alex%» - not possible to use index at all
It leads to other problems (see #10 below).
1. Use STARTING WITH for known string prefixes
When your search value never starts with a wildcard %, prefer STARTING WITH
over LIKE
WHERE fieldName STARTING WITH ?param1
2. Optimize bidirectional string searches
For strings with known prefix or suffix patterns, use reversed index:
-- Create reversed index
-- Query using both directions
WHERE fieldName STARTING WITH :param1
OR reverse(fieldName) STARTING WITH reverse(:param2)
3. Implement progressive search strategy
For strings that appear at start/end/middle (but not simultaneously):
First try fast indexed search with STARTING WITH
If no results found, fall back to slower LIKE search
4. Word-Based Search Optimization
When searching for complete words (delimited by spaces, commas, etc.):
Create a separate word-ID mapping table
Search through the mapping table instead of the original text
5. For comprehensive full-text search capabilities:
Consider using IBSurgeon Full Text Search UDR
This open-source solution provides advanced text search functionality
9. Not closing transactions for read-only operations
Why is it bad?
Keeping transactions open for extended periods could force Firebird to maintain numerous back versions for potential snapshot transactions
Use read-only transactions where it is possible, and close writeable transactions as soon as possible
Use modern Firebird versions (4+) to reduce impact of records versions chains
Implement proper sweep
10. Query Parameterization Issues
Anti-pattern: Avoiding prepared queries and parameterization, instead embedding parameter values directly in query text.
FDQuery1.SQL.Text :=
'SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ''' +
EditUsername.Text + '''';
Why is it bad?
This practice reduces performance for repeated queries
Every query with embedded parameters values should be prepared as new
Preparation can be long and time consuming for large tables
Complicates problem analysis
It is difficult to group queries by text
Creates SQL injection vulnerabilities
FDQuery1.SQL.Text :=
'SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = :username';
FDQuery1.ParamByName('username').AsString :=
11. Wrong Integrity Checking: triggers/CHECKs instead of Primary Key
Anti-pattern: Using triggers or CHECK instead of Primary Keys for database integrity checks.
Why is it bad?
This ignores that Primary Key validation uses the special mode to read the current version of the record, regardless of the user’s transaction isolation level.
Making PK checks with triggers in user transactions increases the possibility of duplication and unnecessarily complicates logic
Use primary keys
Avoid redundant integrity checks
Keep database logic simple
12. ID generation with MAX()
Anti-pattern: Using MAX(id)+1 for new identifiers is unreliable and inefficient.
INSERT INTO users (id, name)
VALUES ((SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM users),
'John Doe');
Why is it bad?
Using MAX(id)+1 instead of sequences (generators) for new identifiers
MAX(id)+1 doesn’t guarantee uniqueness with common transaction parameters - two parallel transactions could receive the same MAX() value
Combination of Max()+1 and CHECK(select if unique) also does not work!
-- Use generator/sequence!
-- Use generator for ID generation
INSERT INTO users (id, name)
GEN_ID(gen_user_id, 1),
'John Doe' );
13. Inefficient GUID Usage
Why is it bad?
Using system-generated GUIDs instead of gen_uuid() can impact index performance
System-generated GUID is highly randomized
Use gen_uuid() function
Consider using BIGINT instead
In version 6 there will be UUID v7
14. Inefficient Computed Fields
Anti-pattern: Using computed fields with SELECTs to other tables significantly decreases the performance of simple SELECT operations.
total_amount COMPUTED BY (
(SELECT SUM(item_price) FROM order_items
WHERE order_items.order_id =;
Why is it bad?
Computed fields are calculated on the fly, and they are not supposed to implement complex logic, and can significantly complicate optimization efforts
It strengthens relationships between tables
It makes sense to use computed fields only for lightweight calculations with fields of the table, like concatenation
cached_total_amount DECIMAL(10,2));
CREATE TRIGGER update_order_total
NEW.cached_total_amount = (
SELECT SUM(item_price)
FROM order_items
WHERE order_items.order_id =
15. Error Suppression Without Logging
Anti-pattern: Don’t suppress Firebird errors and warning without logging!
// Silent failure
Why is it bad?
Hiding errors prevents proper diagnosis and debugging. Proper error logging is crucial for understanding and resolving issues quickly.
on E: Exception do
// Comprehensive logging
Logger.Error('Database connection failed: ' + E.Message);
ShowMessage('Unable to connect to database. Please contact support.');
// Log additional context
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