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We've identified an issue where the latest libpthread library versions are not compatible with Firebird 2.5 (including the latest available release of vanilla version and HQbird 2.5 till the version - new version 27174 with fix is available.).
This incompatibility may cause Firebird 2.5 to crash during certain operations on newer Linux distributions. The error occurs frequently in architectures SuperServer and SuperClassic, and less frequently, in Classic.
Immediate Action Required:
To prevent any impact on Firebird 2.5, please follow the guidance provided below.
Assessing Your System:
Determining which Linux distributions are impacted is difiicult since libpthread updates can be applied to older operating system versions, potentially introducing the issue to Firebird. It means that any update of OS can bring the problem to your system, even if you are running old verrsion. It means that you need to test your instance of OS.
Testing for Compatibility:
We've developed a command-line application to test whether libpthread is compatible with Firebird 2.5.
Download Instructions:
• The binary for the test application can be downloaded from the following link: www.ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/pthr-tst
• The source code for the test application is also available at this link: www.ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/test.cpp
Execution Guide:
Execute the test application in your terminal as outlined in the instructions below to perform the compatibility check.
For the Operating System with old libptread (i.e., it is compatible with 2.5)
wget https://ib-aid.com/download/libpthread/pthr-tst chmod +x pthr-tst
# ./pthr-tst Set signals Sigenv works
For the Operating System with new libptread (i.e., not compatible with 2.5):
# ./pthr-tst Set signals Segmentation fault
If you have made the test and did not encounter the problem with libpthread, there is no direct danger at the moment. Make this test after each OS update.
Please note that Firebird 2.5 is discontinued version, and Firebird Project will not release fix for vanilla version of 2.5.
For Firebird 2.5 HQbird users:
If you have made the test and found that libpthread is not compatible with Firebird 2.5, install the newest version with Firebird 2.5 HQbird, available for download here.