In case of serious problem with Firebird, like hanging or abnormal termination, it is necessary to configure dump collection and then create stack traces. With dumps and stack traces, Firebird core developers of IBSurgeon can analyze the detailed picture of the hanging/failure and give the solution.
Dump and stack traces analysis is available as a part of advanced Firebird technical support service from IBSurgeon. Our plans start from USD199/server/month, and include support through chat (WhatsApp, Telegram, etc), so in case of a serious problem you will have professional help almost immediately. For details, visit: |
All actions below require root or sudoer. |
1. Prerequisites
1.1 Delete or Stop Interfering Packages
apt-get purge --auto-remove systemd-coredump
To verify deletion:
cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
There should be no output like:
/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump%P %u %g %s %t %e
# Search service --status-all | grep -m1 -i apport # Mock deletion apt-get -s remove apport # Delete sudo apt-get remove apport # Clean remaining files sudo apt-get purge apport
To check:
cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
If you see output like:
/usr/libexec/abrt-hook-ccpp %s %c %p %u %g%t e %P %I
Stop and delete abrtd:
For CentOS 6:
service abrtd stop
For CentOS 7:
systemctl disable abrtd.service
yum -y remove abrt*
# Clean remaining files
rm -r /var/cache/abrt/
# Verify cleanup
cat /var/log/yum.log | grep abrt
1.2 Install GDB
GDB is required to create stack traces from collected dumps. GDB installation does not affect performance or put Firebird in "debug" mode. |
For CentOS:
yum install gdb
For Ubuntu/Debian:
apt-get install gdb
2. Remove Dump Size Limitations
Check current dump size limit:
ulimit -c
If you see 0
, dump creation is prohibited.
For systems with systemd, modify the service file:
Add to [Service]
Restart services:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart firebird-superserver.service
Verify unlimited dump size:
strings /proc/$(pgrep firebird)/limits
3. Configure Dump File Location and Naming
This step is optional but highly recommended to specify meaningful dump file names and ensure adequate storage space. |
Temporary Configuration
sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=/path/to/dumps/core.%e.%t.%p
Permanent Configuration
Add to /etc/sysctl.conf
Set Ownership
chown firebird /path/to/dumps -R
4. Test Dump Collection
Restart SSH
ulimit -c
returns "unlimited"
Test Crash Commands
echo "shell kill -6 $(pgrep firebird);" | /opt/firebird/bin/isql -q localhost:employee -user sysdba -pas masterkey
echo "shell kill -6 $(pgrep fb_smp_server);" | /opt/firebird/bin/isql -q localhost:employee -user sysdba -pas masterkey
select mon$server_pid from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = current_connection;
shell kill -6 <found_PID>;
5. Install Debug Files
Expected debug file locations:
/opt/firebird/bin/.debug/firebird.debug /opt/firebird/bin/.debug/gbak.debug /opt/firebird/bin/.debug/isql.debug /opt/firebird/lib/.debug/ /opt/firebird/lib/.debug/ /opt/firebird/plugins/.debug/ /opt/firebird/plugins/.debug/
HQbird installations include correct debug files and handle updates automatically. |
6. Create Stack Traces from Running Processes
thread apply all bt quit yes
Generate stack trace:
gdb -q -x ./gdb-commands.txt /opt/firebird/bin/firebird $(pgrep firebird) 1>./stacktrace.txt 2>&1
7. Create Dump from Running Process
gcore -o /path/to/dumps/firebirdprefix $(pgrep firebird)
The tool will append the process ID to the prefix. |
8. Create Stack Trace from Existing Dump
gdb -q -x ./gdb-commands.txt /opt/firebird/bin/gfix /tmp/core.gfix.23041.1559703551 1>./gfix.trace1.txt 2>&1
9. Deep Dump Analysis
To analyze shared libraries:
echo -e "info sharedlibrary\nquit\n" | gdb