IBSurgeon invites to Firebird Conference 2016

Firebird Conference 2016 will take place on October 7-8, in Prague, Czech Republic. IBSurgeon is the traditional sponsor and one of the hosts of Firebird Conference 2016: we invite you to meet with us at the major Firebird event of the year, where Firebird professionals from all parts of the world meet, learn and discuss the newest technologies in Firebird SQL area. It is very intensive learning event combined with useful networking and great friendly parties.

We (in IBSurgeon) are going to prepare very special talks devoted to extreme Firebird performance and high-availability solutions. Of course, there also will be Firebird core developers with Firebird 4.0 Beta in hands, and many other speakers with more 20 presentations, so definitely Firebird Conference will be the really cool event.

Save the date now: http://firebirdsql.org/en/firebird-conference-2016/