
Urgent and Important! Problem with libpthread library in Linux installations of Firebird 2.5

We have found that the new versions of libpthread library are not compatible with the Firebird 2.5.9 (the latest release is
As a result of the changed behaviour of this library, Firebird 2.5 on some new Linux version can crash during some operations.

It is difficult to say what Linux versions of what distributions are affected, because libpthread can be updated in old versions of operating systems, and bring the problem to the Firebird.
To test the problem, we have prepared the test command line application, in order to test, iа libpthread is compatible with Firebird 2.5.
Download the binary of the test application here:
also, available the source code of this test application here:
To check, run the test application in terminal

For the Operating System with old libptread (i.e., compatible, good for 2.5)


# ./pthr-tst 
Set signals
Sigenv works 


на новой системе
# ./pthr-tst
Set signals
Segmentation fault