Firebird 2.5 Language ReferenceFirebird 2.5 Language ReferenceSystem Tables → RDB$TRIGGERS
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RDB$TRIGGERS stores the trigger definitions for all tables and views.

Column Name Data Type Description
RDB$TRIGGER_NAME CHAR(31) Trigger name
RDB$RELATION_NAME CHAR(31) The name of the table or view the trigger applies to. NULL if the trigger is applicable to a database event (“database trigger”)
RDB$TRIGGER_SEQUENCE SMALLINT Position of this trigger in the sequence. Zero usually means that no sequence position is specified
RDB$TRIGGER_TYPE SMALLINT The event the trigger fires on:
1 - before insert
2 - after insert
3 - before update
4 - after update
5 - before delete
6 - after delete
17 - before insert or update
18 - after insert or update
25 - before insert or delete
26 - after insert or delete
27 - before update or delete
28 - after update or delete
113 - before insert or update or delete
114 - after insert or update or delete
8192 - on connect
8193 - on disconnect
8194 - on transaction start
8195 - on transaction commit
8196 - on transaction rollback
Identification of the exact RDB$TRIGGER_TYPE code is a little more complicated, since it is a bitmap, calculated according to which phase and events are covered and the order in which they are defined. For the curious, the calculation is explained in this blog by Mark Rotteveel.    
RDB$TRIGGER_SOURCE BLOB TEXT Stores the source code of the trigger in PSQL
RDB$TRIGGER_BLR BLOB BLR Stores the trigger in the binary language representation (BLR)
RDB$DESCRIPTION BLOB TEXT Trigger comment text
RDB$TRIGGER_INACTIVE SMALLINT Indicates whether the trigger is currently inactive (1) or active (0)
RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG SMALLINT Flag: indicates whether the trigger is user-defined (value 0) or system-defined (value 1 or greater)
RDB$VALID_BLR SMALLINT Indicates whether the text of the trigger remains valid after the latest modification by the the ALTER TRIGGER statement
RDB$DEBUG_INFO BLOB Contains debugging information about variables used in the trigger

Prev: RDB$TRANSACTIONSFirebird 2.5 Language ReferenceUp: System TablesNext: RDB$TRIGGER_MESSAGES
Firebird 2.5 Language ReferenceFirebird 2.5 Language ReferenceSystem Tables → RDB$TRIGGERS