Firebird 2.5 Language ReferenceFirebird 2.5 Language ReferenceSystem Tables → RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS
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RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS stores the segments (table columns) of indexes and their positions in the key. A separate row is stored for each column in an index.

Column Name Data Type Description
RDB$INDEX_NAME CHAR(31) The name of the index this segment is related to. The master record is RDB$INDICES.RDB$INDEX_NAME.
RDB$FIELD_NAME CHAR(31) The name of a column belonging to the index, corresponding to an identifier for the table and that column in RDB$RELATION_FIELDS.RDB$FIELD_NAME
RDB$FIELD_POSITION SMALLINT The column position in the index. Positions are numbered left-to-right, starting at zero
RDB$STATISTICS DOUBLE PRECISION The last known (calculated) selectivity of this column in the index. The higher the number, the lower the selectivity.

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Firebird 2.5 Language ReferenceFirebird 2.5 Language ReferenceSystem Tables → RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS